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Website Jobs

Got a development idea?


linkUwant.com® has the perfect platform to test your ideas.

We can test your idea on one website or forty-thousand websites.

View our websites at: http://linkUwant.com/domains


Looking for a job?

linkUwant.com® is always looking bright and talented people to join our team.

We have an immediate opening for . . .

  • a permanent full-time website developer.
  • a part-time website graphics designer.
We would prefer that our developer relocate toIndianapolis, Indiana but would consider remoteoffsite development services.

As a minimum an applicants should have havea working knowledge of:
  • PHP, HTML, JQuery JavaScript Program Languages
  • Linux Operating Systems
  • MySQL Database Technology

Annual pay = Open, Please include income requirements in job reply.

linkUwant.com is also looking to purchase your development ideas and/or set up development partnerships for any website name held by linkUwant.com.


linkUwant.com is an Equal Opportunity Employer
